Professor Frank Shann is a highly-qualified and highly-respected medical doctor and researcher based in Melbourne. Read his bio, published for an international intensive care conference he spoke at in October 2019:
Frank Shann, AM, MB, BS, DMedSc, FRACP, FCICM, is an Honorary Staff Specialist in Intensive Care at the Royal Children’s Hospital and a Professorial Fellow in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne. Frank worked in Papua New Guinea and Kenya for eight years, and helped set up the WHO Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) programme which is based on his research in Papua New Guinea. He was director of intensive care at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne for 20 years. He now studies the off-target effects of vaccines in children in low-income countries. He has published 250 articles, six books and 17 book chapters. Frank is a Member of the Order of Australia and a member of the International Advisory Board of The Lancet.
Professor Shann joins many other esteemed medical researchers internationally who study the non-specific effects of vaccines, such as Dr Peter Aaby (Statens Serum Institut, Denmark)) and Professor Christine Stabell Benn (Professor of Global Health, University of Southern Denmark). [Read more…] about Melbourne Medical Doctor And Researcher Professor Frank Shann Believes Non-Live Vaccines Increase Infant Deaths In Third-World Countries