I wasn’t at Melbourne’s lockdown protest on the steps of Parliament House on Mothers Day, but I have good friends who were. And they tell me the version of events told by the media and Premier Daniel Andrews is simply not true.
A lot of people turned up, around 300, which was good going seeing censorship and restrictions have meant those of us against the covid-19 lockdown have not been able to get to know each other personally for the most part, there was a risk of being fined and even mistreated by police, and it was Mothers Day.
For the first hour or more, the crowd heard several speeches, with police looking on and not intervening in any way. Then a large group of police trooped forward and grabbed Craig Cole, followed by Fanos Panayides, while they were speaking, then a few others – in the process innocent people were knocked over and pepper sprayed. All those apprehended were released without charge. News reports say 10 people were fined. See 2 videos below:
A man on the other side of Spring Street was detained while he was walking away from Parliament House with his two young children after dropping his wife off at the rally.
Premier Daniel Andrews
The following article reports what Daniel Andrews has said about the rally:
Q+A: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews issues coronavirus warning, Gladys Berejiklian battles over Ruby Princess
Mr Andrews also took aim at people who were protesting against social-distancing measures in Victoria on Sunday. He suggested they take a look at Europe and the damage people not following social-distancing restrictions has done there.
“If you don’t think the Australian experience is something that you should trust, if you need to look further afield, turn your TV on and have a look at what’s happening in Europe and America.”
What Andrews doesn’t realise, due to his arrogance, is that the protestors have been doing virtually nothing BUT looking at covid-19 in Europe, UK, USA and Australia, unlike the mainstream who turn on the TV and believe everything they see without question.
If Andrews and his gullible followers actually investigated the covid-19 pandemic, they would know, for example:
- The reports from China that covid-19 had a death-to-case ratio of 3% were extremely suspicious, because only the sickest people were tested. Plus no-one really knew what medical care was given to those patients – it could have been damaging.
- The northern Italian cities with a high covid death rate have their hospitals overrun every second flu season, and they have very high levels of particulate air pollution (as does Wuhan). All decedents were given a cause of death as covid-19 even if they hadn’t been tested, and almost all of them had serious pre-existing conditions they were dying from anyway.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says - Italian doctors now see covid-19 as a disease of the blood and blood vessels, where blood clots form, and they are successfully treating it with anti-clotting drugs such as Premarin. At first doctors had been following the protocol of putting patients on low-oxygen high-pressure ventilators for their very low blood oxygen levels, and this was damaging the lungs and killing the patients, who should have been given high volume oxygen without ventilation pressure.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-ventilators-specia/special-report-as-virus-advances-doctors-rethink-rush-to-ventilate-idUSKCN2251PE - In New York City the same pattern emerged – crowded low-resourced hospitals in crowded NYC, ventilation instead of high oxygen which killed patient after patient, together with a policy to send any old people suspected of having covid-19 to nursing homes, where the virus spread.
https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/08/doctors-say-ventilators-overused-for-covid-19/ - In USA, as in Australia, UK and Europe, any patient who dies with a suspected case of covid-19, with or without a test result, and whether covid-19 was the cause of death or something else was, has covid-19 named on their death certificate as the underlying cause of death.
https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/1205.0.55.001 - In the USA hospitals get more funding for a death caused by covid-19 than a standard pneumonia death, particularly if a ventilator is used.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/ - The danger of covid-19 is not worse than other pandemics, such as SARS, MERS, swine flu and bird flu and we didn’t shut the world down, causing wide-spread misery and poverty. The Hong Kong flu pandemic, which struck in 1968-69, had more deaths than covid-19 (adjusted for population increase), but it didn’t stop Woodstock from happening.
https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-woodstock-pandemic-1968/true-claim-woodstock-took-place-in-the-middle-of-a-pandemic-idUSKBN22J2MJ - There are now enough figures out to say the virus has a case-fatality ratio of 0.1% or less, and the contagion number (R0) is 1 to 2. This makes covid-19 no more dangerous than a standard seasonal flu outbreak, for which we don’t strip people of their livelihoods and liberties.
There’s a lot more to be said about this lockdown, such as the pleas from top infectious disease experts around the world, including Australian experts, to stop the lockdown, suppressed treatments, and the information that has come out about the computer modelling that has prompted the lockdown in most places, such as the flawed code used by Neil Ferguson.
More from the ABC article:
He was also unhappy that police officers were injured in scenes that saw three protesters charged with assaulting police.
“They were ugly scenes yesterday and I always support people’s right to peacefully protest but there wasn’t much peaceful about it,” Mr Andrews said of the protest, which he described as illegitimate.
It is not true that protesters were violent, and there’s evidence the police used unnecessary force, hurting people, drawing blood and using pepper spray.
About Andrews’ comment that the rally was illegitimate – it may have been illegal under current regulations, though people are looking into just how legal the lockdown is, but no matter what laws the government brings in to restrict the movements of innocent people and destroy their passions and livelihood, they will be immoral in a free society. The government has had no moral right whatsoever to shut us down.
The idea that people living in nice houses with nice gardens can dictate that whole families living in high-rise buildings or other tiny units must all stay home most of the time, some with violent autistic teenagers, and destroy so much just because they are personally afraid of a virus, is disgusting.
Flattening the curve
The government are constantly promoting “flattening the curve” to spread out the covid cases over time so hospitals will not be over-run.
The medical people know that flattening the curve is not the same thing as virus eradication, that eventually most people will need to have encountered the virus to build herd immunity to end the epidemic, but they are making the population scared to death of the virus to get their cooperation, something they should be ashamed of.
So what is really going on across the suburbs and in the country towns is people want the virus to be ERADICATED – to be GONE – “SHUT US DOWN” they cry.
They foolishly believe that having a total shutdown will stamp the virus out. It won’t. It can’t. Unless so many Victorians had this virus before Christmas that the majority of the population is already immune so cases subside – in which case Andrews will no doubt say it was his measures that achieved this.
Medical authorities
The question is, who has Daniel Andrews been listening to?
Brett Sutton is Victoria’s chief medical officer, and he has been very cautious, saying we can’t lift restrictions until there is a coronavirus vaccine. This is plainly ludicrous – coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which include common cold viruses, and have been known since the 1960s. Drug companies have been trying to make vaccines for the common cold (coronavirus vaccines) since the 1990s, but have failed – the animals in the animal studies died horrible deaths. Despite the money being poured into the quest, there’s no likelihood a coronavirus vaccine will materialise. That’s waiting for a vaccine unicorn (thanks Highwire).
Anyway, we already have flu vaccines, and they haven’t got rid of flu, have they?
What a lot of people don’t understand is that good doctors do not become health authorities, they are too interested in healing people or researching to be bothered with politics. The health authorities and the sort of doctors who become head of the AMA are political animals – they are not the sort of people Andrews should be listening to, and he should especially not be shutting down the state and fining protestors because of their advice.
Has Daniel Andrews looked to any other people for advice, or just listened to Brett Sutton and his deputy?
Mandatory Vaccination
Many at the rally were also protesting against mandatory vaccination. There are now Victorian laws preventing children attending child care and kindergarten if they are not fully vaccinated, and a law saying health workers such as doctors and nurses must have any vaccine the government deems necessary at any time, which will come in next year.
Federally we have a new regulation preventing people from visiting aged-care facilities if they have not had a flu shot, for the duration of the federal emergency powers, though likely to become permanent.
Supporters of these laws maintain vaccination isn’t compulsory, saying people have a choice. However if a parent needs to go to work and has no-one to mind their children, or a person needs to work and nursing is the only thing they know, or someone’s loved one is in a nursing home, then vaccination becomes mandatory.
The bottom line here is that the state have no right whatsoever to dictate what medical procedures people should have. The situation is very serious, people are being injured and killed – Victoria has a runaway madman at the helm who is totally convinced he is RIGHT and will not consider any points of view besides his own, or any evidence that contradicts his hard-held beliefs. And he has got cooperation from “his people” by putting the fear of God into them.
– Robin Birch
I was there, standing on the sideline. Even though it was a calm event, we knew to move well away from the police because we saw things that were without doubt, planned attacks. We witnessed winks & thumbs up by police to instigators of aggression. They thought we didn’t notice.
I know crisis actors actually do happen in Australia & perhaps it’s been going on for decades. I now know it to be true.
I questioned going, knowing the crowd gathering would probably be used as a publicity stunt, but witnessing this first hand has proven to me there is a lot of scary lies happening everywhere.
We witnessed the man with two young kids get jumped on even though he wasn’t attending the event. He escorted his wife there & proceeded to walk on with the kids. They jumped on him knowing full well there would have been an outright uproar. Out come the news cameras for the propaganda machine! Atrocious!
One thing I have learned is we MUST not give them what they want. They want & need us to react to their viscousness. We need to remain calm & step back so they miss the opportunity.
Pharmalitical Control is beginning to lose this game.
Very extensive and informative article. I will post this on my social media.