Serene Teffaha wrote the following message this morning:
“Thank you Gem. Kara Mammo has identified the same issue and explained it to me in detail. Fundamentally a state of disaster is being declared based on these statistics. Thank you ladies.
The problem with these codes is that you diagnose COVID from the onset before the case is finalised and you financially incentivise the process. This is absurd to say the least. Coupled with the fact that samples for RT PCR tests are not being retested for specificity you indeed have a recipe for disaster. False positives coupled with over coding and you have conflated statistics. What an outrage!
WE ARE: looking for an expert in this area who is not afraid to speak up about this process and willing to be our expert witness for seeking an urgent injunction against the declaration for State of Disaster. Please spread the word.”
Find Serene’s post here
Serene’s post
She also shared the following post from Gem Dew, find it here
Gem’s post
From Gem:
“I am concerned about the reporting & lack of transparency around the number of ‘COVID cases’.
What I have uncovered is an Australian COVID-19 reporting loop-hole that allows a Principal Diagnosis of Corona virus infection to be assigned to YOU as a ‘reported case’, even if you’ve had NO exposure, NO symptoms & where testing results are INCONCLUSIVE, UNAVAILABLE or NOT SPECIFIED.
This is not a joke … as a practicing Health Information Manager & Clinical Coder, I used to code hospital data & provide reporting information for funding (ie how many $$ hospitals receive for diagnoses/procedures based on DRG’s [diagnosis related groups]).
I no longer work in the Industry, but was curious to find out what the Coding rules were for Covid, and what I found shocked me …
This information is sourced from IHPA (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority), which is a government agency established under the Commonwealth. Its primary goal is to calculate and deliver an annual national efficient price (NEP), a benchmark for Australian hospital funding … this authority also provides the classification system for reporting of COVID-19 State cases.
In March 2020, the Commonwealth signed a national partnership on C’VID 19 response with all of the Australian States. Under this partnership, $100 million is to be paid quarterly to the States based on a population share basis (see pic) of reported cases of Covid.
What really shocked me were the coding rules for Covid (coded information is the baseline data for reporting the total number of state cases).
Under a ‘mandated screening by authority test’ or a ‘self-presenting non-mandated test’ (where there has been NO exposure and NO symptoms), the reporting guidelines state ‘for clinically diagnosed or probable cases where testing is inconclusive, unavailable or not specified’, Australian hospitals (including emergency and non-admitted care) are to assign;
Principal Diagnosis – B34.2 – “Coronavirus infection, unspecified site”
Additional diagnoses – U07.2 “ Emergency use of U07.2, Coronavirus NOT identified”
This coding rule is a loop-hole that allows a principal diagnosis of Corona virus infection to be assigned to anyone who has been tested by mandated authority or has self-presented, where the person has had NO exposure, NO symptoms, & where testing results are INCONCLUSIVE, UNAVAILABLE or NOT SPECIFIED. Alarm bells people!!!
This absolutely shocked me, it does not matter about the additional diagnosis, what matters is that if you are assigned a principal diagnosis of B34.2, you are counted as a corona virus case & as such, are reported in the relevant State’s case numbers … even if you’ve had no exposure, no symptoms & your testing results are inconclusive, unavailable or not specified.
The integrity of COVID-19 case reporting is criminally misleading and engendering fear and panic that is simply not warranted & is leading our society down a path of self destruction as people are turning on each other based on separation & false reporting.”
Gem’s references
How to classify COVID-19
Gem also provided the following images:
Kara Mammo has also provided excellent information here:
Kara’s post
Kara gives references, and she says:
My point is, there is no way that the “current” hospitalisation stats of patients sick with COVID-19, and the current COVID-19 ICU, can be calculated. Past yes (with a few caveats), current no.
Serene Teffaha’s website with contact details:
Advocate Me
Please share this article, to help defeat the draconian and unnecessary measures taken by the Victorian Government.
Ursa kljuce says
enough with the trolls, we need to get together and fight against Mr Andrews and Mr Morrison who signed off on these lockdown laws when we lose our jobs and they receive promotions. There’s A BIGGER AGENDA here so we need proof, evidence on transmission numbers. Hold your government for those deaths in care centres and dont troll on me. Thanks
Sharon says
Also Dr Judy mikovits from the states and Robert Kennedy Jr I’m sure would be happy to share information to help with this case thank you so much for doing this
Anne says
You are the people’s saviour thank you!!
Betul says
You are doing what many should have done, so much respect for you! We have your back, and there are many of us. Super proud!?
Doris says
Expert witness … this may be a long shot but Professor Dolores Cahill Ireland has publicly offered her assistance as an expert witness to countries in some of interviews I have listened to ….
steve adams says
Dejan Zmejkoski says
The Australian institute for progress has professors who would gladly help in any way they could. The AIP promotes the classic rights – freedom of expression, freedom of association, property rights, freedom of worship, and freedom of markets. It is the view of the AIP that human ingenuity is indomitable and lies at the heart of human progress. We believe that individuals – not governments – are best placed to direct their own futures, and that it is their ideas and efforts that help shape a collective future.
Kate says
On behalf of my family, Thank you & God Bless you!
Janice says
Yes…agree. Professor Dolores would be the most qualified expert witness. She has lost her job because she has been so vocal on this subject
Mathew Naismith says
In Sweden, they added coronavirus deaths and infections rates to covid-19 rates, which it looks as though the whole world also did to one extent or another. Why and how? 30% of colds/flu’s are based on coronavirus. Covid-19 tests are only 30% to 71% effective, leaving a huge margin for error, especially for coronavirus infections rates to be included in the overall death and infection rates.
As was predicted by numerous professionals, Sweden has obtained a certain percentage of immunity, as what occurs with any infectious contagion, unless interfered with. In countries like Australia, the natural process of immunity was interfered with to an astronomical degree. In the modern age of medicine, we lock down healthy people, in the process weakening the immune system even more from inducing fear, paranoia and hysteria to combat a serious infection!! Wouldn’t you in the modern age of medicine try to build up the immune system instead of weakening it?
Deb Bloom says
It depends how far afield you can call your witness. Dr Andrew Kaufman (New York) is outstanding on this. He is credible and has appeared as expert witness before. He can scientifically verify that the “virus” has never been isolated and that the RT-PCR is flawed completely. Happy to provide more information.
Natasha Martin says
Contact Del Bigtree of Highwire. He has had a lot of expert witnesses.
Jacquie says
Extremely greatful to have been invited here ❤
I would suggest all of the following:
Dr andrew kaufman new york
Speak to the german official turned whistleblower, Stephen Kohn. I will link to the article below re his leaked 93 page report titled “analysis of the crisis management ”
Prof. Delores Cahill – ireland
Prof emeritus Beda M Stadler – Berlin
Jacquie says
Sorry would also add a discussion with Anders Tegnell, Swedish state epidemiologist.
Last one and i have no idea if he would be interested, is a sydney human rights barrister, Victor Kline
Greer says
Jody says
Super grateful for you all. Thank you
Andelko Sajn says
Anthony Cincotta says
In any effort to have an expert witness are we able to get an overseas witness to testify via video link and how are we able to get a court hearing if the courts are closed ….This Demon Andrews seems to have covered all basis in his oppression of the people. Very much a measure of mind control…..A curfew is unprecedented and even though questions are being asked by politicians no answers are forthcoming…quite depressing….Can I just say that there is a petition calling for an inquiry in the Andrews Government going around the internet and without knowing your posting rules I will wait to be asked… There is also an online protest being planned for Friday night at 7.30pm Again if anyone wants the info I will wait to be asked….Thankyou for your great work…any help I can give….
VVC admin says
Hi Anthony – you are welcome to share both of these in these comments (if that’s what you mean?)
Anthony Cincotta says
Drs. Annie Bukacek and Scot Jensen, both US doctors that again may have been censored since this video…
Arjay Martin says
Dr W. John Martin, MD, PhD… I tagged you in an interview with him with Dev Freeman. Former boss of Viral Oncology at the US FDA
Anthony Cincotta says
John F says
Try Dr David Samadi
Chris says
Try Dr Shiva Ayyadurai – 4 degrees at MIT and a full bright scholar –
John F says
More “enlightened” doctors in this video….Some of these may be good expert witnesses
John F says
Prof Johan Giesecke, a Swedish infectious diseases epidemiologist and advisor on the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards
Why lockdowns are the wrong policy – Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke
Grateful says
My friend who is high up in a hospital said that he asked the infection disease unit about how accurate the testing is and what markers they test for as Covid is very similar to other cornonavirus’s. Surprise surprise, they did not know the answer to either question.
Mara Moreau says have published an open letter to the govt of Belgian which covers all the important issues. Well worth looking at.
tony says
common law papers served on every UK politician for covid fraud…