The following is an example email you can send to MPs – but please alter this and make it your own.
Please fill in your correct name and address as on the elctoral role – MPs will not take you seriously if you cannot show you are who you say you are.
The Email
Dear [Insert MP name here]
Re: Mandatory Vaccination for Frontline Healthcare Workers 2020
I am writing as a (concerned citizen, nurse, etc) to vehemently oppose the above Andrews’ Government Bill which seeks to remove the right to bodily autonomy of healthcare workers in the state of Victoria, including doctors, nurses, dentists, cleaners, receptionists, aged care workers and paramedics.
I am opposing the proposed Bill for the following reasons:
• The Australian Immunisation Handbook, published by the NH&MRC, states that all vaccine recipients must provide free and informed consent to any and all medical procedures – vaccinations included. Coercive and mandatory vaccination legislation do not allow for this recommendation to be followed.
• The right to bodily integrity is a basic and inalienable freedom which governments can neither grant to citizens nor remove from them.
• The purported reason for this legislation being introduced is to protect the health of the public. Yet no evidence has been provided to show that healthy unvaccinated healthcare workers are any more of a risk than their fully-vaccinated peers. In fact, it is well-known that those who receive live-virus vaccines such as measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox and rotavirus can be infectious to others for up to 90 days following vaccination. If the health of the public were really the concern of this legislation, then these individuals should be blocked from having contact with patients for this period of time.
• Whooping cough vaccination (part of the triple-antigen, Boosterix vaccine) has been shown to create a class of asymptomatic carriers who, whilst displaying no symptoms of infection themselves, can and do spread the infection to others. Several instances of outbreaks in hospital nurseries have been started by fully-vaccinated and recently-vaccinated staff members. Once again, it is not the unvaccinated who are the problem here.
• Vaccines are not and never have been one-size-fits-all products. The number of those harmed and even killed by vaccinations is unknown, but it is far higher than the one-in-a-million figure so blithely thrown around by those who should know better. A search of Australia’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) shows 16,822 adverse reactions to vaccination with 50 deaths. It is admitted that this figure most likely represents only between 1 and 10% of the real statistic for vaccine harm. Taking away a well-informed healthcare professional’s right to choose not to expose themselves to a known risk of serious reactions or death from a medical procedure is not only immoral, it represents the worst and most dangerous form of government overreach one can possibly imagine.
• There are over 270 new vaccines currently in the pipeline. Should this legislation pass, in the future, there is no upper limit for mandated vaccinations and no recourse for those who are harmed by these products. Healthcare professionals are not happy to give a blanket authority to the government which in turn will bear no responsibility for the harms caused by their policies.
• Australia is currently in a crisis whereby we are losing health professionals at a fast rate. Hospital waiting lists are growing and the public health authorities are stretched to the limit. Should this legislation be passed, many doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals will choose to leave the medical field. People will not receive the care they require and this may result in tragic outcomes. The blame for this situation will be borne by those who would allow this discriminatory legislation to be passed.
I will not support any politician who supports this legislation.
Yours Sincerely
[Your name and address here]